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A Young Man in the Library

Volunteers & Friends of the Library

Volunteers are vital to the service we provide to our community, and we welcome the assistance of volunteers in many ways. Our volunteers help out during the week in the library, or during special programs, or through our Friends of the Library group, assisting during fundraising events. If you wish to donate some of your time to serving our community, please consider volunteering at the library.


The success of the Coldspring Area Public Library is a direct result of the active participation of members of our community.  Because of this, the library accepts and encourages the involvement of volunteers at all levels and for all programs, fundraisers, and activities.

Friends of the Library

The Coldspring Friends of the Library is a volunteer citizens group that organizes fundraising for the library.  The Friends are involved in all aspects of our fundraising events, by donating some of their time and energy, or baking prowess, during events, or by making a monetary donation of $25, $50, or $100.  

Reading in a Bookstore
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